30 December 2008

So this is Christmas

So this is Christmas and what have we done.
Another year over. A new one just begun.
--John Lennon.

So, Christmas has come and gone. For some it just happened or will happen. Remember there are 12 days of it. Day 12 is the 7th.

Christmas for Jen, Andrew and me was a bit light on the receiving end this year.
Lighter still on the giving. Times are tough on all of us. Remember it's not
what you get. It's the thought.

On the Lennon reference. When the song was written, we were involved in a war in Viet Nam. The times are different, or are they. We are agian invoved in a war. Or is that wars. I honestly don't know any more. Like it or not.

All I know is this, we, as a country, need to support our troops. We don't, I repeate, DON'T need to support the reasons. We have family and friends on foriegn soil fighting a mostly unjust cause. They deserve our thanks for their service. They need our support when they return home. They also deserve what the Viet Nam vets didn't get for the most part. That is the help they'll need to heal from all the scars. Emotional as well as physical.

This is also a time for reflection. At least for me. I look back on the past year to see what I have. What I have done. Where I have gone. Even if it is only in my "backyard". I also think of family and what they have had happen.

I wish those who do read my blog a Happy an Prosporus New Year.
Thanks for reading. See you in 2009

-More to come

08 December 2008

Laptop Searches

It still astonishes me that the government can get away with this. As I have mentioned before, I am all for the protection of our populace. LEGALY. The article linked here gives one some insight in to what's happening. Googling would undoubtedly lead to more stories. So would looking at the articles posted at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF) site. www.eff.org.

Call me a Conspiricy Theorist. I just don't think the Government needs to go about this in this way.

In my opinion, our Fourth Ammendment right to unreasonable searches and seizures are being violated by doing this. The authorities can search if it's -my emphisis added- IN PLAIN SIGHT And if not, then get a warrant. PERIOD.

Note: Clicking on the title links to the referenced article.
More to come