While reading Mr. Nighttime's latest post, I am reminded of how I wish to be burried.
Like him, I don't want my remains to be placed in a coffin. -See my post on Death.
I wish to be cremated. Not in the usual sense, though. I'd like it to be in the tradition -if that is what it truly is- of the Vikings. Place my body on a bier and light the Pyre. Honor my life, have a grand celebration and scatter the ashes off the cliffs of Wasington State. The closer to the ocean and the north-western most part is prefrable. I have always had a thing for the North West portion of the US and would love to visit/move there some day. If it happens it happens.
If it happens after I die, so be it.
My wife doesn't know about the scattering part or having it done in Washingto State.
She'd rather I have my body placed in a coffin and burried. Then, when it is her
time, she wants to be placed next to me. I don't see the need for our bodies to be placed "six feet under" in this manner. That's just me.
-More to come
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1 day ago
I have always know about your wishes for how you'd like to be taken care of after your death. I have an issue with it because I don't feel you being cremated will ensure our being together after we both leave this world. It's just how i grew up. If I scatter your ashes in washington state after your death, adn then I am buried here in New York state, I feel that there is a separation there. Everyone in my family who has died has been buried in a coffin eventhough my Uncle Jim was cremated, we buried him with grandmother because she never had the heart to bury her first born son. Just like I cannot see my life without you, I can't see my after life being without you either.
This is something that the two of you will need to find a compromise on. You obviously are coming from 2 very different POV's when it comes to the afterlife, lack thereof, or what-have-you.
Consider this: If you believe in something beyond death, does it matter where your body ends up? Think of a light bulb. Is it the source of the light, the energy that comes from it, or is it merely the vehicle of that light? Your body is much the same way. Is it the source of your life energy, or merely the vehicle for it?
Perhaps I see things differently, as I have faced my own death, and have seen too many others die right in front of me. I look at life, and death quite differently than I did 20 years ago.......
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