18 August 2008

Full upper tooth extraction...

...HURTS. At least it does after the numbing agent -Lidocaine in this case- has worn off.

Today I had all my upper teeth pulled out in preperation for dentures. The uppers came out today. The lowers in January.

I took four Advil soon after the Lidocaine began to wear off two hours after I returned home. The prescrbed med. was taken at 5:00 EDT (-5 GMT) It helps.
Not as much as the Advil does though. Then again, the Advil is in a higher dose.
Not to mention a higher allowable dose.

Back to the pain part. I've delt with the extraction pain before. Many a year ago. After the extraction of all four wisdom teeth at one go. That, gentle reader, HURT LIKE A BITCH after the numbing agent, Novacaine in that case, wore off. Tylenol 3 prescribed for that. If that weren't a prescibed pain killer I'd use that for ALL my aches and pains. Dental and otherwise.

I don't deal with pain well. The meds are a welcome thing.

I am in bed recovering and will be here most of the rest of the day and a good portion of tomorrow (Tuesday)as well.

Wish me well.

-More to come

1 comment:

Mr. Nighttime said...

Oh, dude, that has to suck wind. Hope you're feeling better, and that Jen is giving you lots of TLC