06 October 2008

A new smile

Today I got my new smile. After going through the upper teeth extraction in the middle of August and then almost two months of no upper teeth, I have my full upper plate. It feels a bit strange.

I'll need to take it out every night. Brush it. Place it in a cleansing bath and let it soak over night. In the morning, take it out and rinse it. Dry it thoughly and then put adhisive on it. This last step I'll do ONLY if it seems that the plate will be loose.

In January of 2009, I get to do all of this again as I'll be getting the lower teeth removed.

Best part of today. Jen bought me breakfast. SOLID food -REAL. SOLID. FOOD. - for the first time in many weeks. It "felt" good. It'll take getting used to chewing again. Not too long though.

As for speaking. That's easier than I thought it'd be.

-More to come


Mr. Nighttime said...

Hey, like I said, big congrats. Some pain for some gain, I suppose. When you get the lower set, we'll go out for some steak?

A.D. Sisson said...

Sounds good to me, Mr. N